Digital Accelerator proves that elevating teachers’ digital skills is a collective effort involving the whole school. One of the methods based on the school mentoring model developed within the iHub4Schools project
Conference “Fostering Sustainable Digital Innovation in Schools“, 25th April 2023
On 25th April 2023 the iHub4Schools project organised an international conference on “Fostering Sustainable Digital Innovation in Schools”, aiming at presenting the products and results gathered, with key note speeches by experts and the participation of schools involved.
Here you can watch the recording of the whole Conference
iHub4Schools in a snapshot

You can find here the PROJECT LEAFLET
iHub4Schools recommendations about “How to scale up digital innovation at school”
Four participating countries in this project exhibit notable diversity, encompassing disparate educational systems, varying degrees of national wealth available to invest in their respective education systems, and varying levels of maturity in using digital technology in schools. Nonetheless, despite these varieties, we also have identified numerous shared challenges.
Our practical work with teachers, and interviews with different stakeholders, confirm that to ensure lasting and impactful changes, it is essential for teachers themselves to be motivated and interested in utilizing digital technology.
The Workshop “Digitally-innovative school“, 24th October 2022.
On Monday 24th October 2022 iHubSchools partners organised a transnational workshop dedicated to the topic of “Digitally-innovative school” for teachers and school managers from DIGI ENE (European Training Foundation) Network of Excellence.
Contributors: Kairit Tammets (Tallinn University), Liisa Ilomaki & Minna Lakkala (University of Helsinki), Cecilie Johanne Slokvik Hansen (Bergen University), Roberto Righi & Marta Tybura (Steps).
Introduction to the iHub4Schools objectives and planned activities – Phase 1
Presentation of the iHub4Schools activities – Phase 2
The Webinar “Covid-19 as a catalyst for educational change?“, 25th November 2021.
This event aimed to bring together different stakeholders (researchers, policy partners, school leaders and teachers) to discuss the lessons learnt from the Covid19 distance learning situation, which could be seen as a catalyst for change to scale up digital innovation in schools.
The keynote speech of Prof. Rose Luckin, University College London, at the webinar “Covid-19 as a catalyst for educational change?“
Promotional video of the Webinar on 25th November 2021 – Covid-19 as a catalyst for educational change?