iHub4Schools: what we do

Stage I – preparation and stakeholder involvement (M1-M6) This stage provides a comprehensive picture of existing data and literature on the many faces of digitally innovative schools and digitally competent teachers. In this phase the main focus is to map the stakeholders who will be engaged via different formats/events to identify the current local practices and constraints in collaboration with the partner schools from each country. The components of the dynamic and flexible mentoring model based on the consortium partners expertise, are defined in collaboration with the co-creation teams. An incentive scheme will be elicited as part of the model. The data from this stage will feed into stage II and stage III.
Stage II – two iterations of co-creation and implementation of the mentoring model (M7-M12 and M12-M24) The first phase will focus on co-creation with already existing partnerships (5 institutions from 5 countries) to pilot the model partnership model in collaboration. In the second phase, advanced schools from the first phase, will mentor the less-advanced schools. Both iterations will use the proposed general whole-school peer learning mentoring as a starting point, and will engage an extended set of local stakeholders in the co-creation of practices and supporting mechanisms for the implementation in the different local initiatives. During this implementation, both quicker feedback and more traditional evaluation measures will also be adapted to the local constraints, to make the impact of the implementations visible, both for the project consortium and the Regional Innovation Hubs stakeholders. This feedback and evidence from the local implementations will be used as input to a reflection and iteration effort, to update the general mentoring model.
A final phase of validation and outreach (M25-M30), which will gather the experiences from the second complete year of co-creation and implementation in local partnerships, to produce a final overall mentoring model, as well as a final set of supporting measures (from materials to localized guidelines for all relevant stakeholder sectors).
