Developing and Sharing Excellence on digitalisation of teaching and learning

12 October 2022

Joint Initiative with ETF: Webinar 11 October 2022  “Developing and Sharing Excellence on digitalisation of teaching and learning”.

DIGI ENE is one of the initiatives launched in the context of the ETF Network of Excellence focusing on digital teaching and learning practices. 

The webinar dedicated to topic of “Teachers’ Digital Competencies” was organized on 11th October 2022 (12:00-15:30 CEST). The event raised a big interest gathering more that 100 participants from different ETF partner countries. The webinar was hold in English, Russian and French. Agenda of the events included the following presentations:

Organising the webinar about “Teachers’ Digital Competencies” we wanted to:

  • support teachers to develop their digital competence
  • open a platform for discussion and transnational learning among members of the network
  • present self-reflection tool of teachers’ digital competence & schools’ readiness in relation to digital technology
  • present teachers’ collaboration & peer-learning methods accelerating digital innovation in schools.
  • More infos: